means by which those marvelous demonstrations of divine power recorded in the Scriptures were wrought, was the human understanding of what Christian Science designates as the allness of God, namely, His all-power, all-presence, all-intelligence.
all the relations of life, whether in the family, in society, business, politics, or religion, mankind are apt to experience the friction and inharmony of clashing human opinions and human wills, and well were it if all were able to manifest the beautiful spirit Mrs.
Christian Scientist needs to watch his own attitude toward his individual problems, lest his view-point become perverted and a too close focus on self exaggerate his struggle and blind him to the grand ultimate, namely, to be able to say as did the Master, "I have overcome the world.
the first things a person does when he joins an organization, social, political, or fraternal, providing this has not been previously done, is to acquaint himself with the rules or by-laws of that body, his natural desire being to avoid violating the regulations.
In a sense, Christian Scientists can agree with the preacher who was reported in the Homestead as speaking of Christian Science and saying, "One needs no mental healer who has the will to cultivate those states of mind which make for calmness and peace.
In the Prophetstown department of the Gazette, under the caption "Interesting Sermon," were reported some statements made by a minister of that place, setting forth his conception of God as physically personal and material, and as having "died that we might live eternally," also recording his protest against the worship of God as one.
Every Christian Scientist welcomes an honest investigation, for it will prove to the satisfaction of any earnest seeker that Christian Science is founded on the teachings of Jesus.
Is there a man living who is interested in things spiritual, ethics, the effect of intellectual development upon faith in the creeds of the orthodox, who has not wished that he might take up the Bible, or at least the New Testament, as a book fresh from the press?
It is a long time since we read anything so palpably weak and misleading in the nature of a criticism of Christian Science as that published in a late Gazette.
An interesting letter from a correspondent contains the following statement: "The fundamental fact on which the whole structure of Christian Science is based is the denial of matter, the negation of the material.
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