Two thirds of the steam and electric power used in the United States is controlled by less than one hundred corporations, the Stone & Webster interests of Boston standing at the top of the list of interlocking companies, according to a statement in the report of the secretary of agriculture, made in response to a resolution of the Senate and laid before that body.
one can know, without having had the experience, what a joyful relief comes to those who through Christian Science treatment have been set free from physical ailments after they have searched in vain for healing through material methods.
A question
that invariably comes up for consideration in the departmental work of our Sunday school organization is that of mode of procedure in the instruction of the younger classes.
the old way of thinking it would have seemed almost fantastic, if not actually irreverent, to think of God as the divine energy, the supreme force that alone accounts for the impetus, productiveness, and fulfilment of the earth; but in Christian Science we learn that all the manifestations of real life are expressions of the presence and activity of the one divine Principle, God.
the office where the writer is employed and where a great deal of gold is used, all the sweepings from the floor are saved and placed in a barrel to be sent away to the refiners.
physical healing in Christian Science will always remain a point of contention to non-Scientists, for the simple and sufficient reason that when a man apprehends the Science of healing, he is no longer a non-Scientist.
The item "About Christian Science" in a recent number of Echoes, found an alleged inconsistency on the part of Christian Scientists which can be found as easily in the teaching and practice of Christ Jesus.
That Christian Science is indeed founded on the Scriptures may be clearly understood from the very first tenet of that faith, which reads : "As adherents of Truth, we take the inspired Word of the Bible as our sufficient guide to eternal Life".
In studying the English Bible we are dealing with a translation from a foreign tongue, made three hundred years ago, and it is a matter of the greatest importance that we should endeavor to find out the precise meaning of the original writers.
A sermon reported in the News contained the representation that Christian Science is one of the "false religions," and that the genuine Christian Scientist cannot pray because of his views as to sin and as to "the blood of Christ on Calvary.
Christian Science does not, as stated in an article entitled "Chat on Health," depend for its efficacy as a healing agent upon the influence of the human mind on the body.
It is not very unusual for critics to say that Christian Science denies the necessity for repentance, as does a minister whose sermon was reported in a recent issue, and such a statement could result only from lack of information regarding Christian Science teaching.
A fundamental
of the existence and continuance of the branch churches of the Christian Science denomination is that they shall have a democratic form of government, which of course means that in general they shall be governed by the entire membership, and not by one person or by a small coterie.
has always admitted that there should be not merely a distinction between right and wrong, but a separation between good and evil, so far as it is possible to establish this on the human plane.
Years ago, in a small town in South Dakota, a dear white-haired lady lived so close to God and so understood His law and His loving care, that when a woman came to her in great distress with an infant who had swallowed a so-called poisonous substance, she was able quickly to destroy the woman's fear by her words of truth and the child was healed.
A few years ago my little boy was sent home from school after a medical inspection with a note saying that his tonsils and his vision were defective and that I should have them attended to.
For a number of years I attended one of the Christian churches, but when a flood of adversity came upon me I found my house had been built upon the sands; for with the rush of the waters of misfortune it fell, and so far as my own personal interests were concerned, "great was the fall of it.
I feel it a duty as well as a privilege at least to try to tell some of the good that has come to me through the study and practice of the teaching of Christian Science.
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