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It is not contended for Christian Science that the healing...
The Sun
It is not contended for Christian Science that the healing through its method is miraculous in the usual sense of that term. On the contrary, it is held to be the result of perfectly natural means, available to all who will give the subject the open-minded study and earnest application essential to the practical understanding thereof.
Christian Science healing may be said to be due to the operation of divinely natural spiritual law, which is demonstrably operative for good in proportion as the obstructive qualities of human thought are overcome. The process is essentially religious, and Christian Science is in the first place a religion. Those who are regenerated mentally or spiritually through Christian Science, find as a rule that the healing of disease or some other inharmonious condition is the incidental result. "Mind over matter," therefore, does not properly describe this process, because a mere human mind influence may be as readily exerted for an irreligious as for a religious purpose, and does not necessarily involve any moral element whatever.
Whether the most enlightened persons are those who in time of sickness turn to material rather than spiritual means, is dependent on the point of view. Preponderance of numbers on one side is not an infallible guide, and even if it were, the verdict might shortly be reversed, for a distinguished speaker at a recent medical gathering in this country estimated that ten million persons in the United States do not call the medical doctor when sick, and the growth of Christian Science has been such that, with a continuance at the same ratio, the time cannot be far off when in many communities its adherents will be no longer in the minority. In any city or town where Christian Science is well established it will probably be found that Christian Scientists will compare favorably with members of other denominations in the matter of intelligence. It will be found also that a large proportion of these have been healed through Christian Science of diseases of all kinds, from which they had failed to obtain relief through other methods.
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August 14, 1915 issue
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Love's Sure Reward
Spiritual Manifestation
The Lesson-Sermon
"Blessed are the poor in spirit"
Love's Ministry
Glory of Reflection
The fact that a clergyman would not allow a lecture on...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Our critic says the doctrines of Christian Science "should...
Walter S. Cross
In the report of a lecture at Leigh on "Miracles," which...
Harold Priestman
"I will trust in thee"
Archibald McLellan
A Peculiar People
John B. Willis
Elemental Thought
Annie M. Knott
The Lectures
with contributions from J. W. Norvell, Albert E. Barnard, O. C. Soots, Benjamin Eitlegeorge, George Shaw Cook, W. E. Kinney, James P. Eilenberger, Alex Berg, W. S. Raeder
A sense of deep gratitude prompts me to tell of the blessings...
Florence G. Peach
During November, 1902, while residing in a small town in...
C. V. McMannamy
I am deeply grateful for the many blessings that I have...
Katherine Lovelace Draper
To say I am thankful for the blessings which Christian Science...
Laura Hanks with contributions from Charles E. Hanks, Jr.
I herewith wish to give my thank-offerings for the help...
Mathilde Matthiesen Kullrich
I am deeply grateful for all that Christian Science has...
Florence Spellman
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from John Reid Shannon