The fees which Christian Scientists pay to their lecturers...

New Haven (Conn.) Union

The fees which Christian Scientists pay to their lecturers may be a proper subject of friendly interest, but there is nothing connected with it which can be distorted into an occasion for adverse comment. The insinuation that Christian Science lecturers may not be sincere because of what they are paid, would impeach the sincerity of every man or minister who is paid for first-rate ability. If your correspondent's argument were justifiable, it would prove too much. None of the Christian Science lecturers ask or often receive one hundred dollars for a lecture, but they are men who made good in other vocations before entering upon this work. They earn what they receive, and their work is done for the benefit of the whole world. No one is obliged to hear our authorized lectures, but the life of many a man has been transformed for the better by reason of what he heard at one of these lectures, and cases of immediate healing are not unusual among those who attend them.

Since your correspondent who shrinks from disclosing his name has seen fit to quote an unfavorable opinion of Christian Science by a minister, the results of another minister's inquiry into this subject must be in order. If it is worth while to mention the fact that one minister or many ministers are as yet hostile to Christian Science, surely it is more significant that other ministers have adopted Christian Science in preference to their former beliefs. The following public statement was recently made by a clergyman of Brunswick, Ga.:—

"I have been an earnest student of Christian Science for something like three years, and have been gradually and increasingly convinced that it represents the true interpretation of Biblical Christianity. I have exercised the right which belongs to every man in a similar situation, to keep my own counsel during the period of investigation, and not to sever my connections with the old until I had become thoroughly convinced of the truth and value of the new.

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