Among the Churches

Current Notes

Georgia. — The Christian Scientists of Georgia are to be congratulated on their growth during the past year, as indicated by the increased activity along several lines relative to the work of the Christian Science committee on publication for this state. First, possibly, is the very gratifying increase in the distribution of authorized Christian Science literature, which shows an average increase by the month of about 47 per cent over the preceding publication year. Another cause for rejoicing is the awakening as indicated by the increased financial support of this committee. The average monthly payment shows an increase over last year of about 65 per cent. The work with the legislature has been very systematic. By the generosity of the Trustees under the Will of Mary Baker Eddy, many public libraries in the state, as well as libraries of institutions, have been supplied with all of Mrs. Eddy's writings and the Christian Science periodicals.

Literature has been distributed as follows: 11,965 Sentinels, 1,217 Journals, 168 Herolds, 46,175 Monitors, 616 pamplets, 4,838 reprints, 209 newspapers and magazines, in all numbering 65,188.

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The Lectures
December 25, 1915

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