the business world we sometimes see an honest, conscientious Christian man trying hard to do a fair business and make a living, and we see him jostled, crowded, and finally defeated by some overpowering monopoly.
novice in Christian Science often wonders why he has so much error to overcome when he is striving to live in accordance with its teachings; indeed it may sometimes seem that the errors and false beliefs manifest as sin, sickness, and limitation, which were supposedly overcome, reappear even more frequently than before.
The evangelist who preached in your city ignored the remarkable benefit that Christian Science has been to the world in reinstating primitive spiritual healing and the understanding of "the deep things of God" which the study of Science and Health in connection with the Bible makes available for the student.
There may have been a time when some people accepted without question the sweeping statement that Christian Science does not heal; there may have been a time also when some people believed that Christian Science could not destroy sin; there may have been a time, even, when some people believed that Christian Scientists had so little faith in God as to believe omnipotence to be helpless on some occasions,—but that time has long since passed.
A false statement is made by our critic, who asserts that Christian Science "really denies the divinity of Christ, the chief corner-stone of the whole structure of Christianity.
The real reason why there are so many followers of Christian Science is that it has turned people back to the study and spiritual meaning of the Bible, and enabled them to prove the possibility today of its practical application to all the problems of human existence.
The Christian Science Lesson-Sermons, to which a correspondent has referred in uncomplimentary terms, are compiled by a committee selected especially for the purpose, and embrace twenty-six different subjects.
The substantial growth of Christian Science during the past forty years can be attributed to the fact that it is a religion of works—one with "signs following.
Christian Science differs so radically from all other religious and healing systems, it is not strange that there should have grown up a misconception of Christian Scientists which pictures them as what might be termed one-idea enthusiasts, who have individually arrayed themselves against every person that holds views different from those which they themselves hold.
word demarcation as used in Science and Health is of the deepest significance, and the idea which it embodies cannot be too often pondered and applied in the working out of our human problems.
no more important particular and way is Christian Science transforming the thought of the world today than in awakening a new and true sense of law and of its relation both to the infinite Life and to the life of man.
It gives me much pleasure to testify to my healing in Christian Science of gastric ulcers, heart and lung trouble, extremenervousness, depression, sensitiveness, and many other discordant conditions.
It is almost four years since the light of Christian Science penetrated the seeming darkness in our home and brought us health, happiness, and plenty, where before there seemed to be a lack of all these things.
Several years ago, after failing to find relief for gall-stones through materia medica, I turned at last to God, and through the work of a faithful Christian Science practitioner I was healed.
The days that pass us, one by one,Are as a string of gems to me,—Days that are shining with a deed well done,Days all aglow with the love we've won,Each day enshrined in loving thought,Linked with the joy the truth has brought;And as we con them, round and round,An endless chain of gems is found.
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