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Giving a Christian Science Lecture
The giving of a Christian Science lecture is an important event in the history of each branch church, and the arrangements call for careful thought. It is the occasion on which the members get into intimate touch with the public, and the visible manifestation is the church acting as host with the public in the position of invited guests.
Looking at the undertaking in a superficial manner, we have a Church of Christ, Scientist, deciding on a date, inviting a lecturer, preparing a building, and bidding the public attend the lecture. The hall of course is to be clean and well lighted, with comfortable seats. The ushers are to be in their places, and the distribution of literature satisfactorily arranged for. The invitation to the public by the means advised by the board of lectureship must be ample and attractive, and the platform tastefully fitted up; then, all arrangements having been completed, the lecturer is expected to appear.
All is very simple so far; the letter has been carried out. But what amount of practical good would be effected by a lecture if this were all? If Christian Scientists went no farther than this, the task might as well not be undertaken. At this and every step in the arrangements we need to remember how necessary it is that "the letter and the spirit bear witness," as Mrs. Eddy points out on page 330 of Science and Health. The aim of our church being the spread of God's kingdom "in earth, as it is in heaven," thought must be turned in the direction indicated on page 65 of Science and Health, where we are taught that "to gain Christian Science and its harmony, life should be more metaphysically regarded." Let us then translate into spiritual terms the lecture work. First we shall be reminded that there is but one church, "the structure of Truth and Love" (p. 583), and this eternal fact will usher us into the redeeming truth of Christian Science and bring us into the unity which binds together all of God's ideas. We shall be prepared to see that there can be only one meeting-place, the tabernacle of God with men. It is self-evident that this tabernacle must be clean, for it is "holy unto the Lord," and nothing that offends or that is untrue can enter therein; and it is well illumined, thought it requires neither sun by day nor moon by night, for the Lord God omnipotent is the light thereof.
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October 24, 1914 issue
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"Who shall deliver me"
"Rejoice, and be exceeding glad"
The Widow's Mite
Going Abroad
Giving a Christian Science Lecture
Seeking a Country
It is good to find the Rev. Mr.—taking an active interest...
Richards Woolfenden
The Rev. Mr.—is quoted in the Telegraph as making...
Ezra W. Palmer
When the reverend gentleman quoted in a recent Journal...
Paul Stark Seeley
I have read the report of Mr.—'s address on "Faith-healing...
Algernon Hervey Bathurst
A Relief Fund
John V. Dittemore
Civic Duty
Archibald McLellan
Eternal Goodness
Annie M. Knott
Symbol and Substance
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from F. M. Merwin, Leonora L. Ewing, H. W. Johnson, Adolph O. Eberhard, Clarence W. Diver
With the desire to help others who may be groping in...
Ella F. Everts
Toward the end of 1898 I first heard of Christian Science...
Hermann Hummert
Several years ago I was attacked by an illness which developed...
Jessie J. Disbrow
I have been asking myself daily if I were doing all I could...
Agnes E. Grimes
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from T. Rhondda Williams