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Through Christian Science I have been healed of a throat...
Through Christian Science I have been healed of a throat disease and the fear of its annual recurrence. The first attack, lasting over two weeks, was accompanied by much distress and painful treatment by a throat specialist, and was followed by a relapse covering a like period. In partial fulfilment of the prediction made at that time, namely, that I might expect a recurrence of the trouble each year, during the same month of the following year symptoms of the disease became manifest. The aid of a Christian Science practitioner was immediately sought, and while to all appearances the throat passage was almost completely obstructed, this condition was attended by very little pain as compared with the previous attack, and in four days the swelling and its seeming cause had vanished and physical harmony had been restored.
Since the above demonstration of Truth's power many instances of physical discord have been overcome, and mental and financial problems have found their solution through the application of the truth as taught by Mrs. Eddy in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;" but at the present writing I am rejoicing particularly over the spiritual quickening realized through this teaching when earnestly studied and applied. For the experiences of overcoming, the frequency of which is limited only by our admission of a power apart from God, good, I am deeply grateful.—Mrs. Percy R. Mott, Berkeley, Cal.
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June 14, 1913 issue
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I have read Phillip Hall's last letter to you without,...
Frederick Dixon
It would be difficult to imagine how a greater number of...
Albert E. Miller
Clergymen and all other opponents of evil in its many...
Charles K. Skinner
Regarding Christian Science our critic says, "It is not...
Willis D. McKinstry
It is regrettable that the eminent surgeon who recently...
W. C. Williams
The Messenger in a recent issue contains an editorial...
Thomas F. Watson
However perplexed you may at any hour become about...
George Merriam
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
John B. Willis
with contributions from Henry Marelli , Robert Lang, E. E. Arterburn , Frank P. Smith, J. W. Clark, G. G. Johnson, W. A. Petteys, Ernest H. Pease, C. T. Hays
My father was a deeply spiritual man, and from his...
Alice Miriam Caporn
It is with deep-felt gratitude to God for the many blessings...
Wilhelm Kroeger with contributions from F. L. Carrington
I wish to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science
Violet Stahlbaum
That God is an ever-present help has been proven to us...
N. L. E. Henshaw
Some three years ago, at the time when my attention was...
Elisabeth Freudenhagen with contributions from A. Wedin
Eight years ago Christian Science found me in what...
Amelia B. Springer
After turning to Christian Science as a last resort, and...
Anna P. Armstrong
with contributions from W. F. Adeney, Ashley A. Smith