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The Supreme Court of the United States in the case of the Belden Water Power Company versus the United States, Justice Lurton writing the opinion, decided that the federal government had prior rights over riparian owners in the Sault Ste. Marie river in Michigan. The Sault Ste. Marie is a navigable stream in which the government had begun the erection of a dam, when it was sued for damages by the water power company as the owners of the riparian rights which, it was alleged, were violated by the government construction. The decision is far-reaching, for apparently it settles for good the question of the power of the government over intrastate streams and recognizes the authority of the federal government as superior to that of a state. This power has been questioned in many states and may have a direct bearing upon the Connecticut river improvement project, which has been held up for many years through considerations of local ownership.
The La Crosse Telephone Company and the Wisconsin Telephone Company have been ordered to make a physical connection between their toll lines or systems. This is one of the first contested cases of its kind to be brought before the railroad commission since the passage of the physical connection law two years ago. It is said by telephone men there that the case will be appealed to the state supreme court, and if beaten there, it will go to the United States Supreme Court. The commission gives the companies thirty days to comply with the order.
Immigration to the United States has been heavier this year than during the three previous years, 747,998 immigrant aliens having been admitted to this country during the nine months from July, 1912, to and including March.
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June 14, 1913 issue
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I have read Phillip Hall's last letter to you without,...
Frederick Dixon
It would be difficult to imagine how a greater number of...
Albert E. Miller
Clergymen and all other opponents of evil in its many...
Charles K. Skinner
Regarding Christian Science our critic says, "It is not...
Willis D. McKinstry
It is regrettable that the eminent surgeon who recently...
W. C. Williams
The Messenger in a recent issue contains an editorial...
Thomas F. Watson
However perplexed you may at any hour become about...
George Merriam
Archibald McLellan
Annie M. Knott
John B. Willis
with contributions from Henry Marelli , Robert Lang, E. E. Arterburn , Frank P. Smith, J. W. Clark, G. G. Johnson, W. A. Petteys, Ernest H. Pease, C. T. Hays
My father was a deeply spiritual man, and from his...
Alice Miriam Caporn
It is with deep-felt gratitude to God for the many blessings...
Wilhelm Kroeger with contributions from F. L. Carrington
I wish to express my gratitude to God for Christian Science
Violet Stahlbaum
That God is an ever-present help has been proven to us...
N. L. E. Henshaw
Some three years ago, at the time when my attention was...
Elisabeth Freudenhagen with contributions from A. Wedin
Eight years ago Christian Science found me in what...
Amelia B. Springer
After turning to Christian Science as a last resort, and...
Anna P. Armstrong
with contributions from W. F. Adeney, Ashley A. Smith