It is much sincere thankfulness, and a hope that this will...

It is much sincere thankfulness, and a hope that this will reach and help some one who may be in doubt as to the healing efficacy of Christian Science, that I testify to what it has done for me. It is now about twelve years since my attention was called to it, and I was permanently healed. I had been suffering with what a doctor called serious lung trouble, and had been treated by six different physicians, all of whom no doubt did the best they could for me, but with no results whatever. Like the woman mentioned in Scripture, I rather grew worse. At this period I was in such a condition that I was unable to carry an infant the distance of one block.

This disease was considered hereditary, and my oldest brother and I were treated for it by the same physician at the same time. The result was, that my brother died, while I was later healed in Christian Science; and there has never been the slightest return of the trouble. Being a plumber by trade, I was advised by one of the physicians to quit my work; but I am happy to say that after being healed in Christian Science, with only four treatments, I have never since lost a day's work on account of my health. Just before being healed I was greatly reduced in flesh, but am now above the normal weight.

After having ridiculed Christian Science and having made the statement that I would not try it unless I became insane, I was called upon to prove this statement. As I gradually grew worse I finally consented to give it a trial, and I went to see a practitioner who was recommended to me by a friend. I am willing to confess that I had very little faith in the treatment, and my permanent healing proved to me that it was not faith on my part which healed me. I thank God that I was ready and willing to accept this truth which brings us into health and harmony. — John G. Kuehn, Milwaukee, Wis.

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Testimony of Healing
My heart goes out in loving thankfulness to our beloved...
November 22, 1913

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