[Translated from the German]

I daily think with profound gratitude of the blessings which...

I daily think with profound gratitude of the blessings which I have received through Christian Science. When I first heard of it and made the acquaintance of adherents of its teachings, whose faces reflected contentment and joy, the desire was awakened in me to know of this religion which had such a happifying influence. Since childhood I had been inclined to melancholy, besides being of a delicate constitution and often in ill health. Many were the faults of which I was anxious to rid myself, and I yearned to be a better woman. Through the loving treatment and instruction of a Christian Science practitioner, it soon became clear to me that I had found the true religion which our great Master taught and practised in healing the sick and reforming the sinners.

Although I had always adhered to the church, yet I often felt the deficiencies of the so-called orthodox teachings; but I was more steeped in the old theological thought than I realized. These old beliefs of eternal perdition and punishment, as well as the mortal sense with its claims, offered such stubborn resistance that it seemed impossible for me to rise into the consciousness of man's birthright as a child of God. I was so weighed down with diseased beliefs and erroneous concepts that without a knowledge of Christian Science I would have had a sad future before me; but although I believed myself to be far removed from God, divine Love was watching over me. The consecrated, untiring, and loving efforts of a practitioner gradually caused the light to dawn in my consciousness, and it became possible for me to study "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy and to understand the truths contained in this wonderful book. My healing went on as I gained in understanding, and I realize that every seeming handicap is turned into a means of attaining a higher sense of truth.

I am deeply grateful to God, through whose loving care I have been led into these ways of peace and to join those who can testify to His truth. I also wish to give thanks herewith for the translation of our text-book. We Germans must strive to fulfil the hopes which led our dear Leader to make us this wonderful gift. The German as well as the English literature on the subject of Christian Science testifies to the faithfulness of the workers, and is to me a source of constant encouragement and inspiration.

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Testimony of Healing
While staying with one of my sisters, about twelve years...
November 22, 1913

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