ancient Italian city of Ravenna, situated some miles from the Adriatic sea, was protected from invasion by a long stretch of shallow water, through which a channel was marked by posts projecting above the surface.
in no one thing is the line of demarcation between Christian Science and other religious teaching more clearly shown than in this, that in Christian Science understanding takes the place of blind belief, and the intelligent working out of one's salvation supersedes groping and helpless hope.
many other passages from the Scriptures, these words of Jesus, "What I say unto you I say unto all, Watch," had little significance to me, as applied to the every-day problems of life, until I studied Christian Science.
engaged as press telegraph operator for that most interesting and far-reaching advocate, the newspaper, I often wished for a daily which, instead of crimes, disasters, and strife, would tell of the happenings of progress, of industrial and refining activities throughout the world, and when the time came that the Monitor, with its practical method of establishing fraternity, was announced in the Sentinel, it seemed as if the herald of old rang out again, "Glory to God.
wash!" That loving gentle presence leave, which wokeThe only hope he e'er had known—whose actions spokeOf power and peace, whose every tone made his heart yearnTo worship God in purity, from earth to turnTo heaven! His life had known no law—he turned away,In unfamiliar stillness, to wash and to obey!The strange new sense of partial sight perplexed him sore;Lost was his certainty of touch, he knew no moreHow gropingly his way to find—the past to himWas dead, the present vague and filled with shadows dim.
A New York despatch in your paper presents the fact that a New York judge has given his opinion "that the treatment of disease by inaudible prayer is a violation of the laws of that state.
"Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" is not in any sense a new Bible ; it is simply a new interpretation of the one and only Bible ; and there are no people who read the Scriptures more regularly or who accept the gospel teachings more whole-heartedly than do Mrs.
May I point out that if a sick man desires to be attended by a Christian Scientist in preference to an ordinary medical man, it would be absolute tyranny to attempt to prevent him.
Sir William Crookes made a speech the other day in which the following remarkable sentences occurred: "It seems that no law is more certain than the law of change.
In a recent issue a critic is credited with saying that "the idea of Christian Science is all right, but as practised it is carried too far when the rules of hygiene are ignored and an effort is made to overcome the consequences.
Nothing could be farther from the truth than the claim that Christian Science is pantheism,—either materialistic or idealistic,—or that it denies nature.
who today are the beneficiaries of the tireless labors of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, too seldom stop to think of our own and the world's indebtedness to her.
effort to establish a habit of cleanliness, whether of person or of thought, is always rendered practically hopeless so long as dirt awakens no sense of repugnance.
The members of First Church of Christ, Scientist, dedicated their church building, Fifth street and D avenue, during the regular Sunday night service last evening [Jan.
The psalmist has said, "Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!" and though it is my greatest joy to tell others of the blessings I have received through Christian Science, I feel I have too long delayed to acknowledge them through the wider medium of our periodicals.
Shortly after the earthquake in San Francisco, my boy, nine years old, while coasting on the park panhandle, utterly unconscious of any danger, was run down by an automobile going at great speed.
With a heart filled with gratitude and love, I wish to acknowledge a few of the blessings which have come into my life through the study of Christian Science, in the hope that others may be helped along the way.
As I look forward eagerly from week to week for the coming of the Sentinel, I wish at this time to express my appreciation and gratitude for the help received, by making this offering with the hope that it may contain some helpful thought for another searcher—even a "cup of cold water" to the thirsty.
I have learned that I cannot better express my gratitude to God for what Christian Science has done for me than by trying to follow faithfully the teachings of our dear Leader, Mrs.
Some twelve years ago, after suffering much pain and discomfort for a period of two or three weeks, with what the physician said was an abscess in my left ear, I found myself totally deaf in that ear.
and worn, with care and worry spent,Into the deep and quiet wood I wentAnd lay me down to rest upon a mossy bankWhere purple violets in rich profusion grew,And happy birdsong echoed all the woodland through.
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