The Elizabeth tunnel, the most important factor in the construction of the Los Angeles aqueduct, which has recently been completed a year in advance of the time required for the work, is 26,870 feet long, and is the second longest water tunnel in the United States, the Gunnison tunnel, which has a length of thirty thousand feet, ranking first.
Christian Scientists every day is a day of thanksgiving, and perhaps that for which as they go on they most of all thank God and the faithful woman so long at the helm of the Mayflower venture of this age, is that she has opened the way, through the many avenues of the Christian Science organization, for all, even for the least and humblest, to work for the world.
Christian Science
teaches us to deny evil, whenever and wherever we see it; and when evil is met and overcome in each individual consciousness, the whole world will be benefited thereby.
years ago, while living in a cabin in the heart of the Rocky mountains, the writer visited a miner who operated near by a gold mining and refining plant, and who kindly explained the various processes followed.
and praise abounding,Hark the glad hosannas sounding,Earth and heaven their welcome sing,Christ is risen and doth bringHealing to both serf and king.
In a recent issue the writer of the "Finance of the Week" explains that the world is learning that financial panics are not to be cured by Christian Science.
In a recent issue of the Star a critic expresses his agreement with my point that if the medical fraternity fails to save certain persons "in the incipiency of their troubles, they cannot reasonably complain because Christian Science fails to rescue them in the more advanced and formidable stage of their disease.
In your "For Sunday Reading" column there appeared an article under caption, "The Teachings of Christian Science," being the concept of said teachings which a clergyman erroneously entertains.
To declare, as does the committee of the British Medical Association, that there is "no difference in kind" between healing through divine and spiritual means and various forms of so-called mental or psychic healing, is wantonly and presumptuously to assail the fundamentals of Christianity, namely, the words and works of Christ Jesus.
With regard to associating the term "Science" with the word "Christian," there is no good reason for limiting the term science to that which pertains exclusively to physical phenomena.
the days when, not from belfry's throat,Shall men be told of Christ to whom they kneel,"For they shall be all taught of God," one wrote,—In Shiloh's peace the Saviour's presence feel;Not ever shall the children lisp the name,Yet beg for answer whence and how he came.
A short
time ago a critic of Christian Science in a public address before a body of ministerial brethren called this teaching an "offshoot of religion.
is well worth while to ask ourselves occasionally whether our understanding of divine law is broadening and deepening, whether we are applying it more widely to the varying problems of human experience and thus realizing more fully its protecting power.
for the things that conduce to comfort and wholesome living,—this is well, but every broadening man has begun to realize that the nobler, more significant thanksgiving compasses the lives which have made for humanity's freedom and progress, the lives which were consecrated to and became the channels of that liberty and love without which there can be no wealth or happiness.
Among the many interesting and attractive features of the Montgomery county fair this year is a reading and writing tent and rest room, under the auspices of the two Christian Science congregations of this city.
This is to testify that my daughter was healed through Christian Science, in two absent treatments, of a severe injury to the right foot, the ankle being greatly swollen and very painful.
To one who is of an anxious thought, feeling a sense of responsibility in daily affairs, Christian Science comes as an angel of light, lifting the heavy burden and bringing a sense of strength, buoyancy, and joy.
Although I have been interested in Christian Science only a little over a year and a half, I feel that I want to give thanks for the good already received.
This testimony must beging with an expression of deep gratitude for the many blessings which I have received through the study and application of the Principle of Christian Science.
I wish to express my loving gratitude to our dear Leader for her courageous proclamation of freedom to all humanity, in the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," from which emanated the scientific healing of the sick, the regeneration of the sinful, and the resurrection of many from the death decreed for them by materia medica.
Over seven years ago, through what the physicians claimed a general nervous breakdown, my eyes failed me completely and some eighteen months of this time was spent in hospitals and sanitariums under the care of five of the best oculists in the United States, with varying success but no permanent relief.
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