[Translated from the German.]

It is now nine years since I became an adherent of Christian Science,...

It is now nine years since I became an adherent of Christian Science, and in these long years I have had ample opportunity to receive its blessings. It was through my good mother I became interested in Christian Science. She had been healed of trouble with her limbs, which had distressed her for a long time. I regularly attended the Christian Science services with her. and became an ardent adherent of this blessed teaching. To-day I feel impelled to express my gratitude for several healings.

In the year 1899 had a severe attack of illness, with a high fever. I asked for Christian Science treatment, and in a fortnight I was so far recovered that I could go out. Some time afterwards, feeling indications of an intestinal disturbance. I again went to a practitioner, and was healed. Although these were to me wonderful proofs of the blessings of Christian Science, yet I experienced still more at the birth of my child, which was harmonious and without medical assistance. Our child is healthy; all ailments which have appeared having been overcome readily. At the appearance of a serious throat trouble I had another opportunity to realize the great blessing of Christian Science. The child was suddenly stricken with a high fever and did not even recognize us; but after a few treatments he was better, and in a week this treacherous disease was gone. I have only spoken of some of the main points, but we have had many more helpful experiences. Our child is now six years old, and has never taken any medicine or used any material remedy.

Christian Science is not only a help in sickness, but also in business. Although my husband was not opposed to it, he was indifferent, but now he is attending our church. He had been a great smoker in former years, but be does not use tobacco now. We certainly have experienced in our business that trust in God leads us to victory, and although we have not overcome all error yet. we know that with firm reliance upon God. divine Truth, we shall constantly progress. Our business does not give me much spare time, but I never miss the Wednesday meetings, and often attend the Sunday services. Next to God I wish to thank Mrs. Eddy, the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, for this healing and saving religion.

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Testimony of Healing
Every day I feel more grateful for what Christian Science...
October 10, 1908

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