After attending a most impressive service in a Christian Science...

After attending a most impressive service in a Christian Science church this beautiful Thanksgiving day, an earnest desire to be saved from the sin of ingratitude impels me to write my testimony. On the first day of January, 1904, a kind friend sent us a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." As a mark of respect for and courtesy to the donor, we felt that we ought to read it; so my wife and I began reading it together, but for some time we felt that it was most contradictory, incongruous, and incoherent. It seemed impossible, but we were interested and kept on reading, and the more we read of it the more we learned of the beauty and goodness of this wonderful book, and have now read it through many times. We soon subscribed for the Sentinel and Journal and commenced to attend the meetings, from all of which we have received immeasurable benefits.

In June, 1904, I was taken ill with a lingering fever, and having a little knowledge of materia medica I made use of such remedies as are supposed to be efficacious in these cases, but received no benefit. Inasmuch as I had become interested in Christian Science, I determined to call on a practitioner; which I did, and after a few weeks' treatment was completely healed. I immediately threw away all material remedies I had, and from that time to this I have enjoyed perfect health and have relied absolutely and wholly upon the great Physician, who is always at hand and always ready to help. Through the power of divine Love as unfolded to us by Mrs. Eddy, my wife has been healed of a bowel trouble with which she had been afflicted for more than twenty years. She has also been healed of failing sight. For some years she had worn glasses when reading or sewing, but about a year ago she laid them aside, realizing that in God is her sight and that glasses are not needed. In both cases the healing was slow, because of the great which which seemed to possess her, but when fear was completely met and overcome by both of us, the healing was steady and continuous.

Prior to coming into Christian Science I was greatly predisposed to throat trouble, so that on taking cold I would lose my voice in a day or two. I was in great fear of these colds, and when attacked I would quickly make my way to a drug store for a material remedy, but since July, 1904, I have had no fear of colds. If I feel this trouble coming on, I do not guess, or simply believe, but know the truth and its power to make me free, and that matter cannot take cold except as I give it power through a false belief; and the result is that in from one to three days I am free, without having experienced any disagreeable consequences. One day last August a gust of wind blew a cloud of dust about my head and a cinder lodged in my left eye. The irritation was so violent that I felt I could not go on, so I returned to my office and stood before a mirror for several minutes, trying to remove the cinder with a handkerchief, but without success; I tried to wash the cinder out, but could not do so. Then I remembered that I had failed to go to the only real help in all the universe. I immediately declared the ever-presence and power of divine Love, and relief was instantaneous and permanent.

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Testimony of Healing
It is now nearly eight years since I became interested in...
June 8, 1907

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