It is not improbable that President Roosevelt may soon announce to the Chinese Government that the United States does not care to receive any more money on account of the indemnity awarded to this country, growing out of the Boxer uprising.
the record of the conversation between Jesus and the woman of Samaria there is nothing to indicate that Jesus really told the woman all her past in detail.
translation of the Bible was not welcomed in England, and the New Testament passed through a trying ordeal when Tyndale interpreted it in English.
There is a school of thinkers who believe that men and women will one day come to be guided by reason, who hope that their moral, spiritual, and intellectual qualities will become so developed that they will cease to do those things which are wrong, those things which are harmful to themselves and others, but will be guided along higher, better paths by something from within.
When Benjamin Franklin discovered that electricity could be led by a cord, he established in the minds of men the recognition of a fact which had always existed.
The picture of The Mother Church which The Christian Science Publishing Society now has for sale is a half-tone reproduction, 12 x 15 inches in size, of a view giving the St.
Christian Scientists remember Jesus' saying, that if one had faith even as a grain of mustard seed, he could speak to the mountains and they would obey him, they are impressed with the propriety of modest statement as to their present attainments; but they have occasion and they do rejoice that Christian Science has called them to the fulness of both physical and spiritual freedom, that it places no limit upon the possibilities of their overcoming and efficiency.
great peace gathering in New York City has passed into history, though its voice will echo down the corridors of time until the din of war and of all strife is forever hushed.
with contributions from Harriet Ried White, Board of Directors, Clara Louise Burnham, Ella Tone Mayfield, Lottie B. Strong, Mary C. Maynard, Charles Egbert Burnham, S. Alec. Alderson, Muriel Bull, F. Nellie Alderson, Harriet T. Gaye, Agnes F. Baile, W. Gaye, Susan E. Beckert, Wm. M. Richardson, Laura G. Childs, Anna R. Campbell
Among the magazines which publish articles on Christian Science in their May issues are The Cosmopolitan, Success, Human Life, The Arena, Fine Arts Journal, American Queen, Broadway Magazine, and Government.
with contributions from Minerva B. Nellman, Rosa A. Martin
The local Christian Science church has purchased the First Congregational church purchased corner Valentine Street and North Ninth Avenue, and will hold its first service there Sunday evening [April 28].
About five years ago I become interested in Christian Science through the healing of a friend from various chronic troubles which had defied medical treatment.
In coming to this country, fully thirteen years ago, from Edinburgh, Scotland, I had an unexpressed desire to know God so that our prayers should be answered, being weary of what seemed to me a very mechanical religion, and I could never be reconciled to the formality of the orthodox sacrament.
Christian Science was brought very forcibly before me about three and a half years ago by the complete healing of a friend from a disease pronounced incurable by medical practitioners.
It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I wish to acknowledge the healing and regenerating power of Truth, to which I owe all that I have and all that I am.
On reading in the Sentinel a testimony in regard to the victory of Truth in the case of an injured ankle, I decided to supplement it with a statement of two of my own similar experiences, one of them being a fall when descending from a trolley car some years ago, the other a recent fall on leaving an elevator.
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with contributions from Harriet Ried White, Board of Directors, Clara Louise Burnham, Ella Tone Mayfield, Lottie B. Strong, Mary C. Maynard, Charles Egbert Burnham, S. Alec. Alderson, Muriel Bull, F. Nellie Alderson, Harriet T. Gaye, Agnes F. Baile, W. Gaye, Susan E. Beckert, Wm. M. Richardson, Laura G. Childs, Anna R. Campbell