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Arrangements for the June Meetings
Horticultural Hall, corner Massachusetts and Huntington Avenues, has been secured as headquarters for all committees, from Thursday, June 7, to Wednesday, June 13, inclusive, and all necessary information can be obtained there. It will be free to visitors as a central rendezvous both day and evening. All mail and telegrams received for visitors will be distributed at this place, but such mail and telegrams should be sent in care of The Christian Science Publishing Society, 250 Huntington Avenue.
Almost all the railroads have agreed to make a reduced rate of practically one fare for the round trip to Boston for the Communion season. It is suggested to those intending to visit Boston that they consult their local ticket agents a sufficient time in advance of their intended departure to enable the agent to secure tickets, etc.
A Committee has been appointed to find rooms for those attending the June meetings of The Mother Church, and this Committee will be able to provide rooms for all visitors. Those who have not made definite arrangements are requested to communicate with the Room Committee, 250 Huntington Avenue, as early as possible, stating their precise requirements, the price they are willing to pay, etc., in order that an approximate estimate may be made of the amount of accommodations which will be required. This Committee will not undertake to engage rooms in advance, either in hotels or private houses. Those wishing to engage rooms in advance should communicate directly with the hotels at once. It is desirable that, where practicable, one person should act for a group from one locality. This will greatly facilitate the work of the Committee.
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June 2, 1906 issue
View Issue-
The Lesson of the Dove
A Loving Appeal
Purified Thought
Freedom through Growth
Mrs. Eddy's Horses are Blue Ribbon Winners
M. Bettie Bell
Christianity has not changed, and that which the Master...
Charles M. Howe
Christian Science prohibits no one from eating or drinking...
John L. Rendall
The Lectures
with contributions from Fred S. Lamb, J. Burtt Morgan
A Question Answered
Clara Dreyer, Calvin A. Frye
A Timely Word
Emilie B. Hulin
A Practical Philosophy
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Mary E. Young Brown, William Gallie, Ainslie G. McDougall, L. H. Jordan, Marion A. Bastedo, Willie R. Combs, Adolph A. Mayne
I went to the Rochester (N. Y.) City Hospital on March...
Margaret K. Bostwick with contributions from Nellie C. Cramer
In grateful acknowledgment of the many blessings received...
Blanche G. Woodall
Soon after I was healed in Christian Science my little...
Ida M. Straight
Eighteen months ago I think it would have been hard to...
William R. Best
Christian Science does heal the sick and reform the sinner
L. E. Hutchens
From our Exchanges
with contributions from James Reed, Frank K. Sanders
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase