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The Protection of Spiritual Law
What a blessing it would be for mankind if all could see that the reversal of sense evidence and of human opinion is the way to that understanding of Truth which makes free. To the popular thought, law is usually associated with restriction, but Christian Science teaches that the opposite is true,—that law makes for freedom and provides for the permanence of good. That many false concepts of law exist is easily shown, and thinkers readily admit their ignorance on this subject. A simple test may therefore be helpful to the beginner in Christian Science,—one which will aid him in reaching that sense of certainty which differentiates understanding from mere belief.
When a certain order is set aside, in the treatment of disease, by the application of the truth, we may be sure that this unhappy condition did not represent law, even if the whole world believed that it did; and that God's law cannot be broken, even if the whole world believes this possible. The law remains, in spite of any attempt at its infringement, and eternally demands our recognition and obedience.
In this fact lies our only security, though we may need the measuring line of Science which was held in the hand of the angel to make this plain to us. If we accept material sense testimony, we may fail to see the punishment of wrong and the victory of right, but when we come to know God as eternal, divine Principle, we have positive evidence that He forever vindicates His law and His own.
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August 13, 1904 issue
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Resolutions Presented to Mrs. Eddy by the Concord Church
Joseph A. Moore with contributions from Mabel C. Gage
Nehemiah's Way
The Spiritual Idea and Human Need
"That they may bring forth more Fruit."
Our Part in Ushering in the Millennium
An Echo of Thanks
H. R.
Clothed Upon
Among the Churches
with contributions from Julia L. Hale, Mary W. Miller
The Lectures
with contributions from H. L. Larwill, Charles D. Holcombe, Byron H. Coon, Henry A. Rose, Mary Hatch Harrison
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Septimus J. Hanna, W. N. Babcock, Harrison Baker, Sue Mims
From childhood these questions constantly recurred to my...
Alice M. Swarthout
With a heart full of gratitude to God and to our beloved...
Esther L. McNaughton
In 1889, while living in Glidden, Ia., the first message of...
Esther McCreath
My coming into Christian Science was through great...
S. E. V. W. with contributions from L. M. M.
In the year 1901, Christian Science found me a hopeless...
Esther Obradovic
As soon as I began walking, my parents saw that I was...
Henriette Menjaud
It is generally believed that members of my trade drink...
Mathias F. Quest
I would like to give my demonstration
Gertrude Irwin
A Word from Mr. Chase
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase