When I took up the study of Christian Science nearly...

When I took up the study of Christian Science nearly three years ago, I was suffering from a very bad rupture of thirty-two years' standing. Sometimes the pain was so severe that it seemed as if I could not endure it. These spells would last four or five hours, and while everything was done for me that could be done, no permanent relief came to me until I commenced reading "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." After I had once looked into it I wanted to read all the time. I was so absorbed in the study of the "little book" that I hardly realized when the healing came, but I was healed, not only of the rupture, but also of other troubles,—inflamatory rheumatism, catarrh, corns, and bunions.

I would never part with the book if I could not get another. I am seventy-seven years old, and am enjoying very good health. My heartfelt gratitude goes out to God and to Mrs. Eddy, who has given this blessed truth to all who desire it.

Mrs. Martha E. Porter, St. Johnsbury, Vt.

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Testimony of Healing
A number of years since I was healed by Christian Science...
August 6, 1904

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