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I came to Christian Science through great suffering
I came to Christian Science through great suffering. I had what the doctor called an attack of sciatica, which he said was the most severe case that had come to him; and he was recommended as one of the best doctors for rheumatism. I took medicine for about a year as regularly as I took my food, and thought I was helped. At that time I believed he would cure me, if I could do just what he said. He told me not to do any work, or lift anything heavy, as I was in dread of those severe attacks.
I then went to my home in New Brunswick, thinking the change would help me, but I had another attack so severe that I could not lie in bed, but on a comforter on the floor. I could not bear to be moved, the pain was so intense, and everything seemed to annoy me and cause me to suffer. At this time I was treated by our family doctor, and he told my brother that he could help but could not cure me, He said if he could cure rheumatism he would be a millionaire. When I was able I returned to Boston, went back to my doctor, and was treated for some time.
I then heard of Christian Science through a lady who had been healed, and she advised me to try Christian Science. I must say that I was very reluctant, as I didn't know anything about it. One morning while in her house I found myself talking with the practitioner who had healed her. I asked her if I could be healed, and she said I could. I left her home feeling very happy and very much encouraged. It was the brightest, happiest day I had ever seen, I was like the lame man who leaped for joy. I took three weeks' treatment, and was healed. I have not taken one drop of medicine, and have been well, have had no return of that ailment, and have taken care of myself most of the time.
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August 6, 1904 issue
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The Conclusion Reached by Eminent Philosophers
The Harvesting
The Cross
P. M.
The Relation of Science and Health to the Bible
Jesus' Appeal
Safe Keeping
What the People Say
Albert E. Miller
In spite of the contemporary theory relative to microscopic...
W. D. McCrackan
Christian Scientists do not promise specific results to their...
Richard P. Verrall
The Lectures
Harry Wakelyn with contributions from Minot O. Simons, Edward A. Kimball, Herman A. Heydt
A Loving Gift
Editor with contributions from Mary Hatch Harrison, Mary B. G. Eddy
Letters to our Leader
Editor with contributions from Louis H. Buckshorn, Elma P. Jones, W. N. Miller, E. Blanche Ward
For a good many years of my life I was a member of an...
Frank M. Scofield
I knew nothing of Christian Science until four years ago...
Mary Fuenfsinn
It is nearly eight years since I was healed in Christian Science
Jecilia M. Pearse
I came into Christian Science seven years ago
Lida C. Rogers
From childhood I never knew what perfect health was...
Nina B. Spain
I feel that it is time for me to make some acknowledgment...
Elizabeth Linscott
When I took up the study of Christian Science nearly...
Martha E. Porter
A number of years since I was healed by Christian Science...
M. L. C. with contributions from Charron
From our Exchanges
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase
A Word from Mr. Chase
Stephen A. Chase