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I wish to make public acknowledgment of the benefits...
I wish to make public acknowledgment of the benefits received through Christian Science. I was a trained nurse and followed my profession for ten years before coming into Christian Science, but after deep study I have been convinced, both in theory and practice, that the only curative agent is divine Mind. Although I gave up my profession and sought new work, looking only to divine Love, my wants have always been supplied.
When a child my ear became diseased from constant diving, and troubled me for years, as abscesses formed constantly, and I was seldom free from pain. I was advised by one physician to leave Galveston for a dryer climate, thinking that I would be benefited by the change. I suffered severaly from the treatment given me by great specialists. About eight years ago the condition was considered so serious that an operation was performed by which the drum and several small bones of the ear were removed. Even after the operation, the abscesses continued to form. The last abscess was destroyed under Christian Science treatment. That was three years ago, and I have been free from them ever since. Two years ago I had the blessed privilege of class instruction, and I am happy to state that during the teaching my hearing in that ear was restored after it had been lost to me for twenty-eight years.
Six years ago my wrist was broken while caring for a patient who was in wild delirium. Being unable to leave the patient and thinking that the wrist was only sprained, I bound it up tighly and paid no further attention to it. After removing the bandage I found that the bone had been broken and had united crooked. The joint was twice the natural size and always gave me pain and was not strong enough to lift a heavy weight. I was advised by several to have it broken and reset, which I refused to do. Three summers ago, while under absent treatment for the ear trouble, one day, to my utter astonishment, I found the wrist straight and reduced to its normal size. I had occasion to return some medical books to a physician who was anxious to show me his powerful electric light and X-rays, and I asked him if he could see that anything had been the matter with my wrist, and he said that he could see where it had been broken, by the thickening of the bone as it had healed. I have also been healed of pneumonia, acute indigestion, and sick headache.
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June 18, 1904 issue
View Issue-
The Annual Communion Service
with contributions from Mary B. G. Eddy, Board of Directors
The Visit to Concord
with contributions from Mrs. Eddy
The Annual Meeting
with contributions from William B. Johnson, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Letter from the Executive Members
with contributions from William P. McKenzie, Archibald McLellan, Hermann S. Hering, Frank H. Leonard, Julia S. Bartlett
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Haworth-Booth
Is a Christian Scientist Liable to Sickness?
Alfred Farlow
The word "philosophy," as defined by Webster, is "literally...
Richard P. Verrall
"The basis of Christian Science is the Scriptural teaching...
John L. Rendall
Christian Science is purely primitive Christianity regained...
James D. Sherwood with contributions from Epictetus
Card of Thanks
Editor with contributions from Mary B. G. Eddy
The Communion
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Violet C. Bath, Minnie K. Stoddard
From a Mining Camp in Colorado
A. E. Southworth
From Blackburn, Okla
Kate Roach
I was much impressed in reading a recent testimonial of...
E. S. S. with contributions from Marie E. Maitland
I wish to make public acknowledgment of the benefits...
Lee Washington
I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science
Annie E. Cornelius
It has occurred to me that I have had ample time to...
M. C. McKenzie
I have been putting off the writing of my testimony for...
Beulah Snodgrass
Christian Science was presented to me when I needed it...
Ed. Hallifdiede
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase