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From Blackburn, Okla
The Field will be interested to learn that the leaven of truth is working among the people of Blackburn. When we came to Blackburn three years ago there was but one Science and Health here. The lady who owned it said she could not understand it. However, she told me she had only read to page thirty. I asked her if she wished to sell the book. She said she did. I paid her full price for it and have loaned it to those wishing to read it, so that it has done a great amount of good. All those who read it found that they wanted a little book of their own, and now there are six copies in and around the little town. Some of us meet each Sunday to go over the lessons. We know there is on opposition and so it does not appear to us. There are many here that say they believe but are still wearing the vail. (2 Corinthians, 3:15.) There are three orthodox churches under construction in this place; we have given of our substance to help build them and there is a kind, brotherly feeling with us, proving that charity is the best of all. No evil can stand before it. I am thankful for every loving friend who has helped me to know the truth, and as a reward for their labors I am striving and daily praying to know only that which is true. I owe Mrs. Eddy a debt which only love can repay. Four years ago I first read that wonderful book, Science and Health, and I was healed through the renewing of my mind. I know that words can never pay her, but loving and living the Christ-truth can. We are thankful for the Sentinel and Journal, they are such a help no one can afford to be without them.
Mrs. Kate Roach, Blackburn, Okla.
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June 18, 1904 issue
View Issue-
The Annual Communion Service
with contributions from Mary B. G. Eddy, Board of Directors
The Visit to Concord
with contributions from Mrs. Eddy
The Annual Meeting
with contributions from William B. Johnson, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Letter from the Executive Members
with contributions from William P. McKenzie, Archibald McLellan, Hermann S. Hering, Frank H. Leonard, Julia S. Bartlett
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Haworth-Booth
Is a Christian Scientist Liable to Sickness?
Alfred Farlow
The word "philosophy," as defined by Webster, is "literally...
Richard P. Verrall
"The basis of Christian Science is the Scriptural teaching...
John L. Rendall
Christian Science is purely primitive Christianity regained...
James D. Sherwood with contributions from Epictetus
Card of Thanks
Editor with contributions from Mary B. G. Eddy
The Communion
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Violet C. Bath, Minnie K. Stoddard
From a Mining Camp in Colorado
A. E. Southworth
From Blackburn, Okla
Kate Roach
I was much impressed in reading a recent testimonial of...
E. S. S. with contributions from Marie E. Maitland
I wish to make public acknowledgment of the benefits...
Lee Washington
I wish to express my gratitude for the blessings of Christian Science
Annie E. Cornelius
It has occurred to me that I have had ample time to...
M. C. McKenzie
I have been putting off the writing of my testimony for...
Beulah Snodgrass
Christian Science was presented to me when I needed it...
Ed. Hallifdiede
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase