our eagerness for spiritual attainments, let us take heed that we do not fall into the error of thinking that we can lift ourselves unaided, or in any way force our growth.
, to use the words of the Psalmist, we are dwelling "in the secret place of the most High," and are not merely resorting to it when the occasion seems to require, then we shall experience that peaceful sense of abiding "under the shadow of the Almighty.
It is truthfully said that if it were not for the omnipotent God back of all visible phenomena no results could be obtained through medicine, faith-cure, or Christian Science; but we would add that it is a demonstrable fact that the Divine Power can be reached more efficaciously when the human media are set aside.
The practice of Christian Science, is a form of pure Christianity, relying absolutely upon God, Spirit, as the source and basis of its healing, and upon the teaching and practice of Jesus Christ as the only guide for its achievements.
with contributions from A. N. Alcott, A. C. Harte, F. S. Hoffman, Elmer I. Goshen, Farrar
There was a large audience at Kopp's Opera House last Friday night [January 15] to listen to a lecture on "The Beneficial Effects of Christian Science" by Edward A.
with contributions from Marjorie Colles, F. L. Miller, Gertrude Dunmore, Victoria Murray, Dunmore, Mildred Murray, W. N. Miller, E. Blanche Ward, Mary B. G. Eddy
are pleased to be permitted to publish the following loving letter received by our Leader from the members of the General Association of Teachers recently organized in London, also her inspiring reply.
has been said from the pulpits of the Christian churches within the past few years about the necessity for "a great religious revival," and there has been considerable speculation as to the manner and time of its coming, but the hope and expectation finding expression in this way has been quite indefinite both as to time and manner.
has been well said that only those of "byline" and in keeping with this thought it is not surprising that the poetry of the last generation should be found almost barren of stirring and effective religious lyrics, since it was distinctly marked as an age of doubt.
the time of Christ Jesus the world had but faintly recognized the divine Fatherhood, the prevailing conception of God being that of a ruler or a judge; but how different was his teaching on this vital question! He seldom spoke of God except by the tender name of Father, and when they were "slow of heart" to apprehend such a relationship he said, appealing to their human sense, "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?
inquiries regarding the Communion and Annual Meeting of the Mother Church are being received, therefore it seems best to announce to all that a general gathering such as has taken place in past years is not contemplated this year.
Frances G. Fuller
with contributions from Frank P. Hunter
After years of invalidism I have regained my health through Christian Science and am now able to do easily work which I have never before been able to accomplish.
With a feeling of profound gratitude to divine Love who has led me to find the way of truth or Christian Science, I wish to relate some of the experiences which my dear family and I have had in Christian Science.
When the Christian Scientists of North Carolina appeared a year ago before a joint meeting of the medical boards of the House and Senate of our legislature, for the purpose of discussing a bill to prohibit the practice of Christian Science in our state, one eminent physician stated that he knew it to be impossible for Christian Science to cure certain diseases which he mentioned.
During the last few months I have received Christian Science treatment for a structural injury which seemed to have been occasioned by a fall a year ago.
to the front, ye tried and true warriors!Out to the front at duty's loud call!Out to the front, where the battle is raging!Out to the front, to arouse one and all!
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with contributions from Marjorie Colles, F. L. Miller, Gertrude Dunmore, Victoria Murray, Dunmore, Mildred Murray, W. N. Miller, E. Blanche Ward, Mary B. G. Eddy