By direction of the Secretary of War, and on behalf of the Government of the Philippine Islands, the Bureau of Insular Affairs of the War Department has invited bids for three million dollars of the temporary certificates of indebtedness of the Government of the Philippine Islands.
Uzzah put forth his hand to steady the ark there can be little doubt that his intentions were good, for the oxen had stumbled and the ark seemed to be in great danger, and David's disturbance over Uzzah's death is easily explained.
once came to me with a question which is often asked by people who know but little of Christian Science,—"Do Christian Scientists claim there is no evil or sin?
the time I became interested in Christian Science I was employed in an office where my patience was sorely tried and my understanding put to a severe test.
The preacher rightly argues in his sermon that our duty to pray to God for assistance does not excuse us from using the means and methods for curing sickness which God intends us to use and has placed within our reach for us to use.
The following letter to the editor of the Monitor is indicative of the feeling of one of New Hampshire's most noted, generous, and public-spirited natives, and is indicative also of the feeling of many others who were interested in securing a suitable New Hampshire exhibit at the St.
As the world learns more of Christian Science, learns that it is Apostolic Christianity, it will realize, as have Christian Scientists, that the healing of sickness is but incidental to this present knowledge of God, which saves unto the uttermost, even as it was in Jesus' time.
with contributions from Marguerite C. Vouga, Mlle. Vouga, Catherine Rumney, Sarah A. Durfee, Amalie D. Lawton, May Barris, Nellie Victoria Freshman, Henry D. Janes
I did not turn to Christian Science because of physical healing, but as the result of observing in the daily lives of some of my childhood friends, how it was possible to live so near to God that fear and doubt could have little part in one's experience.
Just before I heard of Christian Science, I had given up hope of ever being healed of asthma, from which I had suffered for seven years and which was then constantly growing worse.
One of the many blessings that have come to me through Christian Science, is that my husband has been spared to me from that dreadful ailment, blood poisoning.
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with contributions from Marguerite C. Vouga, Mlle. Vouga, Catherine Rumney, Sarah A. Durfee, Amalie D. Lawton, May Barris, Nellie Victoria Freshman, Henry D. Janes