Letters to our Leader

We are permitted to publish the following recent and interesting note addressed to Mrs. Eddy by the First Reader in Concord, N. H.:—

Beloved Mother:—I thank you for sending us Professor Hering's loyal and loving letter. It is beautiful to see his clear vision. The letter afforded the opportunity to speak of Science and Health as God's instrument in the healing of the sick and sinful, and the importance of placing it in the hands of Concord people.

Two cases of healing by children were given last evening. A little Concord boy of eight, who had been under treatment but a week and whose widowed mother did not understand Science, healed his aged grandmother of two ailments. The dear child said, "In the afternoon grandma had a bad pain in her head and I treated her, and at night she was all right." A second time he helped her, and now the grandmother gives God the praise.

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Distribution of Literature
February 26, 1903

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