overwhelming defeat of the bill prohibiting "the practice of Christian Science, mind and faith cure in healing" in the lower house of the New Hampshire legislature is highly creditable to the intelligence of that body and highly satisfying to those who have any conception of the menace to personal liberty involved in such measures.
order was recently received from Lady Victoria Murray, daughter of Lord Dunmore, for a corner-stone which is to be used in the new church edifice to be erected in Manchester, England.
To the extent that magnetic healing may be said to be mental in operation, to that extent may it be termed "of the Christian Science sort," but beyond this there exists even less affinity between it and Christian Science than there is between Christian Science and the method of the conscientious medical practitioner.
A Chicago
minister of an orthodox church startled his congregation somewhat a Sunday or two ago by congratulating the advocates of Christian Science upon the progress they were making, and he declared that the growth of this sect "is a protest against the materialism of the age.
has been said in the newspapers and elsewhere about the proposed change in name of the religious denomination known as "The Protestant Episcopal Church of America," and it is interesting to note that among the names suggested are, "The National Church of the United States" and "The Church of America.
he who prays most wins most, but he who is most truly reverent; whose attitude is most receptive, most sensitive to the touch that is divine; whose inner ear is wakeful to Truth's "still voice," and who ever craves for good with extended and expectant palm,—his gains are an hundredfold.
are permitted to use the following letter of counsel, addressed to her sister by one who well says of it, "I have no right to claim anything as of myself, it is simply a glimpse of truth revealed unto a seeker for truth, by that flash of inward light which is, I suppose, a momentary consciousness of the ever-abiding Truth within and without us.
As we grow in the understanding of Christian Science, we find in it safe guidance for thought and action in every direction; we must be willing in all things to say with the heart the words of our Leader's hymn,—
In the spring of 1897 I first heard of Christian Science and tried it simply as an experiment, as I had tried almost everything else, homoeopathy, allopathy, electrical treatment, and patent medicine.
As a tribute of gratitude for the many blessings which have come to me through Christian Science in overcoming sorrow as well as sickness, I offer the following.
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