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I did not come to Christian Science for the healing, I was...
I did not come to Christian Science for the healing, I was attracted by the beauty of the thought.
Science appealed to me as the highest thought in Christian life that I had discovered, and I determined to investigate. I did so, and for nearly three years have been realizing its strength and beauty. I have proved that "divine Love always has met, and always will meet, every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494). I will tell of a demonstration I had last summer. It was just about a year ago in August, and the thought of asthma in the atmosphere, was very strong. One night I awakened with a great sense of suffocation, which to mortal sense, was almost unbearable. I made a light, took Science and Health, and read for about fifteen minutes, then put out the light and went to sleep and slept until morning. That was my first and last attack of anything of the kind.
I am very grateful for the knowledge of Christian Science, it enables me to put on the "whole armor of God" in deed and in truth.—Eleanor S. Smith, Chicago, III.
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December 19, 1903 issue
View Issue-
The Semi-annual Lecture
Edward A. Kimball with contributions from Hermann S. Hering
Amendment to By-law
A Letter to our Leader
I. Eloise Cooper with contributions from I. E. C.
Reply to the Rev. Mr. Field
William Bradford Dickson with contributions from James Russell Lowell
I first heard favorably of Christian Science in April,...
George C. Waite
In loving gratitude to God for Christian Science I send...
Louise K. Raster
About a year after I came into Science, I took my little son...
Anna O. Hegenan
I would like to tell of a demonstration which followed...
Helen L. Cannon
A short time after coming to Christian Science, I...
H. E. G., Ida S. Robinson
I did not come to Christian Science for the healing, I was...
Eleanor S. Smith
I have found the testimonies of others so helpful that it...
G. F. Washburne
with contributions from William B. Johnson, Stephen A. Chase