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When I came into Christian Science I had a great many...
When I came into Christian Science I had a great many ailments, some of them of years' standing.
My thought in writings is that perhaps I may say a word to encourage some who may think their progress is slow. I would urge such to hold fast to the truth. What I have gained of the knowledge of God through Christian Science has come slowly, but I would not give this understanding for the world. "The world passeth away," but "the word of the Lord endureth forever," and I have found Him a present help in every time of need.
When I came into Science I had worn glasses nearly twently years, but after getting a little understanding of the Truth I laid them away, knowing that the same power that heals the sick could restore lost sight. I could not see to read a word without glasses, only the large type, such as the headings, and it has been up-hill work some of the time; but I had the promise, that it was yea and amen to those who believe. Now I do all my reading and sewing without glasses. One by one my ailments have vanished into nothingness, and I expect ere long to realize what Paul says: "The law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." I wish to thank every one who has in any way helped me to receive this truth, and The Christian Science Publishing Society, as well, for its faithful labors. The reading of our Leader's works is also a help in every walk of life. I hope to appreciate my blessings more truly.—L. L., Jamestown, N. Y.
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December 19, 1903 issue
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The Semi-annual Lecture
Edward A. Kimball with contributions from Hermann S. Hering
Amendment to By-law
A Letter to our Leader
I. Eloise Cooper with contributions from I. E. C.
Reply to the Rev. Mr. Field
William Bradford Dickson with contributions from James Russell Lowell
I first heard favorably of Christian Science in April,...
George C. Waite
In loving gratitude to God for Christian Science I send...
Louise K. Raster
About a year after I came into Science, I took my little son...
Anna O. Hegenan
I would like to tell of a demonstration which followed...
Helen L. Cannon
A short time after coming to Christian Science, I...
H. E. G., Ida S. Robinson
I did not come to Christian Science for the healing, I was...
Eleanor S. Smith
I have found the testimonies of others so helpful that it...
G. F. Washburne
with contributions from William B. Johnson, Stephen A. Chase