On October 5 in Boston a reception and banquet was tendered the Honourable Artillery Company of London by the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston.
given several testimonies in regard to my physical healing and the spiritual uplifting resulting from a study of Christian Science, the thought presented itself to me, to give to the Field the result of a recent experience in our home life, as it has proved very helpful.
Christian Science it is absolutely necessary to distinguish the wrong from the right and to know that there is no middle ground to occupy; that a thing is either right or wrong, and that we must at all times be on the side of right to work out our problems successfully.
is always interesting and gratifying to Christian Scientists to observe any movement in the advance of human consciousness toward the recognition of true Science.
mathematical unit,—one,—upon which the decimal scale, and from that, the whole system of mathematics is constructed, is presented first to the thought of the child as "one apple," "one block.
Perhaps no religious movement of later years has enjoyed the substantial progress and loyalty of its adherents to the extent that Christian Science has, and in spite of the obstacles placed in its path by those who have wilfully or ignorantly misunderstood its purpose, it has gathered strength with each year and now presents a growth in numbers which arouses the interest of all.
A False
premise is error's favorite covert, and here it often hides its deformity beneath the folds of some frayed and familiar plausibility of which the real significance quite escapes the credulous and the unalert.
I have been feeling for some time, that I ought to write to the Sentinel, and after reading so many helpful articles I decided I would put my good resolution into effect.
To know the whence and wherefore of the things one sees,To comprehend a reason in the hills and trees,And recognize completeness in divine decrees,Is understanding.
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