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Speech of Monkeys
Boston Herald
Prof. R. L. Garner , student of, and instructor in, the speech of monkeys, lectured in Steinert Hall to a large and very intellectual audience, who listened intently for nearly two hours to a discussion of the possibilities of simian eloquence. The professor told of his experiences while living in an iron cage in the midst of a central African jungle for one hundred and twelve days without seeing a human being, and especially the attainments and accomplishments of one "Moses," the young chimpanzee which was Professor Garner's companion during his residence in the case.
The Rev. Dr. Edward E. Hale introduced the speaker, Professor Garner appeared in the costume of brown duck, with trousers oddly cut to fit the contour of the legs, in which he conducted his jungle experiments. Behind him on the platform was the famous cage, deftly constructed of iron bars and made in sections for convenient folding and shipment.
Beginning with the assertion that not only monkeys, but all mammals, possess the power of speech, Mr. Garner related how he stood for seven hours before a cage of monkeys in Cincinnati, observing how the little ones would assist each other in avoiding the attacks of a large one. Their cries of danger were intelligible to him, and he determined to study the subject till he had mastered it. Going from one menagerie to another, he then collected the remarks of various monkeys in all parts of the country, and, taking the phonographic records of these conversations to another city, he would reproduce them to another monkey of the same species and take a record of his answer. In this way a vocabulary of nine words was collected, including the words meaning food, drink, vexation, and satisfaction.
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February 22, 1900 issue
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The Pan-Helio-Motor
James M. Thomson
The Lectures
with contributions from J. M. Chatterson, J. E. T. Bowden, John D. Teller
Among the Churches
with contributions from S. C. Hayford, Martha Sutton Thompson, C. T. Byrd
Letters to the Sentinel
with contributions from Louise Schmidt, Mary Emma Bennett, C. H. Kirkbride
Christian Science Notes
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Abraham Lincoln
Editor with contributions from Chauncey M. Depew, James E. O'Grady, Booker T. Washington, H. E. Barnes
Christian Science Methods and Results
Annie M. Knott
From the Boston Globe
Alfred Farlow
In the Vineyard
The Joy of Work in Christian Science
Christian Science Healing
Our Highway
Stand Still
A Word of Thanks
Testimony of a Dentist
Edward L. Jordan
Heart Trouble and Influenza
Annie Smith
"There is Health for You"
Sophia A. Stark
Catarrh and Neuralgia Healed
Claas de Weerth
Asthma of Long Standing
Joseph P. Higdon
A Remarkable Case of Healing
Walter L. Cocroft, Rosella Cocroft
You may meet with much to offend and distress you,...
Gotthold's Emblems
Religious Items
with contributions from H. R. Haweis