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Letters to the Sentinel
Baltimore, Md., January 26, 1900.
Dear Sentinel:—I feel the need of expressing in a few words my appreciation of all that comes to us so regularly, and always just at the right moment, in our helpful publications. What the monthly visits of the Journal are goes without saying; and I have always felt glad of our Sentinel, as it stands on the watch-tower, ever sending out the next word of warning, encouragement, or command from our revered Leader and Mother. But lately it seems I have only just begun to appreciate its importance to the Cause and to each individual worker, as week by week the new By-laws and the messages have so closely followed, one after the other in these stirring days,—beacon lights set upon a hill. My heart is very thankful for all, and also for the Manual, which I find needs to be placed very near my books for daily use. Then the poems from our beloved Mother,—"Signs of the Heart" in July, and the latest, "Satisfied," whose deeper meaning will be revealed day by day. The by-law Article 21, Section 4, "Church Prayer," is a tremendous step upward and onward in the "unity of prayer" so necessary in order to bring into a demonstration the outpouring of Spirit which is Love of God reflected in love to Man. I also want to express my thanks for the two editorial articles,—"Our Baptism" and "Christian Science Prayer," in No. 18. They are truly beautiful; and so clear upon what and where the purifying process (Baptism) is; and the true prayer, bringing out those wonderful lines in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker G. Eddy, as manifested in Jesus, "whose humble prayers were deep and conscientious protests of man's unity with Truth and Love."
Louise Schmidt.
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February 22, 1900 issue
View Issue-
The Pan-Helio-Motor
James M. Thomson
The Lectures
with contributions from J. M. Chatterson, J. E. T. Bowden, John D. Teller
Among the Churches
with contributions from S. C. Hayford, Martha Sutton Thompson, C. T. Byrd
Letters to the Sentinel
with contributions from Louise Schmidt, Mary Emma Bennett, C. H. Kirkbride
Christian Science Notes
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Abraham Lincoln
Editor with contributions from Chauncey M. Depew, James E. O'Grady, Booker T. Washington, H. E. Barnes
Christian Science Methods and Results
Annie M. Knott
From the Boston Globe
Alfred Farlow
In the Vineyard
The Joy of Work in Christian Science
Christian Science Healing
Our Highway
Stand Still
A Word of Thanks
Testimony of a Dentist
Edward L. Jordan
Heart Trouble and Influenza
Annie Smith
"There is Health for You"
Sophia A. Stark
Catarrh and Neuralgia Healed
Claas de Weerth
Asthma of Long Standing
Joseph P. Higdon
A Remarkable Case of Healing
Walter L. Cocroft, Rosella Cocroft
You may meet with much to offend and distress you,...
Gotthold's Emblems
Religious Items
with contributions from H. R. Haweis