Broadcast thy seed!Although some portion may be foundTo fall on uncongenial ground,Where sand, or shard, or stone may stayIts coming into light of day—Or when it comes, some pestilent airMay make it droop and wither there—Be not discouraged; some will findCongenial soil, and gentle wind,Refreshing dew, and ripening shower,To bring it into beauteous flower,From flower to fruit, to glad thine eyes,And fill thy soul with sweet surprise.
reading rooms of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, on the third floor of Pythian Temple building, are now open in the evening from half past seven to nine o'clock, as well as during the day from 9 a.
one of the largest Branch Churches in each state or the United States, and in Canada and Great Britain, is requested to appoint a Publishing Committee to serve in its locality and under its Church By-laws.
few persons realize the scope of Christian Science work, and few deny that it is accomplishing good results in the development of character as well as in the healing of disease, when they have a fair opportunity to observe its operations.
we are earnestly seeking the understanding of the Bible and "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," conviction gradually dawns upon us, that many of our disappointments are the result of a misconception of God and our fellow-man; that many of our troubles are caused by entertaining an exaggerated sense of our brother's faults, or of his virtues.
I became interested in Christian Science because the Christian Scientists with whom I came in contact in my profession and otherwise seemed to possess something better than any one else I had ever met.
Last March, while attending the last of several Good Friday services which had been held during the day at his school chapel, my eldest boy was suddenly taken with a very severe attack of heart trouble attended with fainting, terrible sounds in his head, darkness, and breathlessness.
About three years ago, after having tried medicines and climate for four years, and submitting to a number of surgical operations with very little benefit, I heard of Christian Science.
Although not a Christian Scientist, I will gladly give an account of what a kind Christian Scientist of this city, through his treatment, has done for me.
One morning a short time since our little daughter, a child five years of age, was seated in the buggy and her sister who had hold of the reins was about to get in, when the horse started.
You may meet with much to offend and distress you, but only look a little further, and you will see the heavens beyond, as the last object in sight, governing, comprehending, and terminating all the rest.
Circumstances make it necessary again to request our co-workers throughout the Field to observe the following rules in sending in their orders to the Publishing House:—
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