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A Word of Thanks
I Have received much benefit through Christian Science, and feel that nothing could induce me to give it up. My feelings are best expressed in the words of the Psalmist, "Oh that men would praise the Lord for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!"
My thanks arise first to God for His great goodness in giving to this age such a Leader as we have in our beloved Mother, the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, who is true to God and the mission which has been given her. Does she not deserve the love and gratitude of every one who has caught even one faint gleam of this great Truth? Should not each give to her the encouragement, love, and gratitude she deserves? And is not this best manifested in a life of loyalty and obedience to God in all the demands made upon us?
In my giving of thanks I must not forget our efficient Publishing Society, its able editors, and all connected with it. Much praise is due them for their noble work and labor of love. Many times when reading the Journal or the Sentinel have I been thankful indeed for the pure, loving, Christlike attitude manifested therein, giving to the world a higher, holier, truer sense of man's duty to his fellowman. It has been an incentive to me to strive more earnestly to "let this mind be in me [you], which was also in Christ Jesus."
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February 22, 1900 issue
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The Pan-Helio-Motor
James M. Thomson
The Lectures
with contributions from J. M. Chatterson, J. E. T. Bowden, John D. Teller
Among the Churches
with contributions from S. C. Hayford, Martha Sutton Thompson, C. T. Byrd
Letters to the Sentinel
with contributions from Louise Schmidt, Mary Emma Bennett, C. H. Kirkbride
Christian Science Notes
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Abraham Lincoln
Editor with contributions from Chauncey M. Depew, James E. O'Grady, Booker T. Washington, H. E. Barnes
Christian Science Methods and Results
Annie M. Knott
From the Boston Globe
Alfred Farlow
In the Vineyard
The Joy of Work in Christian Science
Christian Science Healing
Our Highway
Stand Still
A Word of Thanks
Testimony of a Dentist
Edward L. Jordan
Heart Trouble and Influenza
Annie Smith
"There is Health for You"
Sophia A. Stark
Catarrh and Neuralgia Healed
Claas de Weerth
Asthma of Long Standing
Joseph P. Higdon
A Remarkable Case of Healing
Walter L. Cocroft, Rosella Cocroft
You may meet with much to offend and distress you,...
Gotthold's Emblems
Religious Items
with contributions from H. R. Haweis