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Christian Science Healing
Since taking up the study of Christian Science, some fifteen months ago, I have enjoyed reading the Christian Science Sentinel and other literature. The many demonstrations mentioned in the Sentinel during this period, have been of much interest to me. At first they suggested what I might some time accomplish for myself. Now they prove doubly interesting as they voice my own experience, only perhaps along different lines.
I have been as deeply interested in cases of healing that have taken months as those that were accomplished in hours or minutes. To my mind there is good and sufficient reason for some demonstrations being slower than others. It is quite natural for us to wish for, and rejoice over, quick healing, still there is no occasion for regret or disappointment over what we are accustomed to speak of as slow demonstrations. With our limited understanding of divine Love, it may be we are unable to recognize the great benefit it will prove to us to have some demonstrations extend over a period of weeks or months, or even a longer time. To all who are in haste I wish to say, be patient and persevere and Truth will prevail.
As my personal experience during the past year may be of interest to some who are in haste to recover I will briefly relate it. On one occasion after endeavoring to overcome a severe strain of the right arm and limb, which almost paralyzed them, I called in a Christian Science healer, and it required about a week to give me ease, and another one to effect a complete cure. Since then I have felt no effects of the strain, and walk as easily and rapidly as before.
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February 22, 1900 issue
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The Pan-Helio-Motor
James M. Thomson
The Lectures
with contributions from J. M. Chatterson, J. E. T. Bowden, John D. Teller
Among the Churches
with contributions from S. C. Hayford, Martha Sutton Thompson, C. T. Byrd
Letters to the Sentinel
with contributions from Louise Schmidt, Mary Emma Bennett, C. H. Kirkbride
Christian Science Notes
with contributions from Phillips Brooks
Abraham Lincoln
Editor with contributions from Chauncey M. Depew, James E. O'Grady, Booker T. Washington, H. E. Barnes
Christian Science Methods and Results
Annie M. Knott
From the Boston Globe
Alfred Farlow
In the Vineyard
The Joy of Work in Christian Science
Christian Science Healing
Our Highway
Stand Still
A Word of Thanks
Testimony of a Dentist
Edward L. Jordan
Heart Trouble and Influenza
Annie Smith
"There is Health for You"
Sophia A. Stark
Catarrh and Neuralgia Healed
Claas de Weerth
Asthma of Long Standing
Joseph P. Higdon
A Remarkable Case of Healing
Walter L. Cocroft, Rosella Cocroft
You may meet with much to offend and distress you,...
Gotthold's Emblems
Religious Items
with contributions from H. R. Haweis