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Ancient Egypt's Greatest Monument
Begun Before the Time of Abraham, it was Building for Two Thousand Years.
Boston Evening Transcript
The Temple of Karnak, work for the restoration of which has been going on for a number of years under the direction of American, English, and French archaeologists, is perhaps the most interesting ruin in Egypt, though less known to the tourist than the Pyramids and the Sphinx. It was and is the most enormous structure in the world. Its ruins to-day cover many acres. The nucleus of the temple alone is over twelve hundred feet in length. All the great rulers of Egypt from the time of the Middle Empire, over 2000 B.C., until after the Roman occupation, added to the work from time to time during a period, therefore, of over two thousand years.
The temple was approached by three long avenues of sphinxes. One of these extended all the way from the temple of Luxor, on the south, a half-hour's ride on a donkey, the whole way being lined on either hand with hundreds of sphinxes hewn from stone. Seven large temples surrounded the main temple. The last is the sanctuary of Ammon, the "Throne of the Two Lands." It is the greatest architectural construction ever built. You approach it from either end through a gigantic outer gateway. Six mighty pylons, or tower gates, extend in succession across the shorter dimension of the building. The largest of these tower gates is 372 feet wide, 50 feet thick, and 140 feet high. Between the first two of these pylons are the remains of the great court. It is so large that two considerable temples are built within it.
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October 26, 1899 issue
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A Unitarian Conception of Jesus
William Everett
Among the Churches
with contributions from Minnie C. Shaeffer, E. G. P., Rosetti Kneip, S. S. L.
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Simmons
A Thought
Take Notice
Editor with contributions from Joseph Armstrong, Septimus J. Hanna, Mary Baker Eddy, Oliver C. Sabin, The First Members, William B. Johnson
An Expression of Love
Editor with contributions from John F. Linscott, Ellen B. Linscott, A. C. Peter, Eliabeth A. Peter, Thomas F. Dawson, Ella D. Dawson, Harry W. Sessford, Kate N. Foote, Edward P. Craig, Bertha Helm Sessford, E. W. Kepner, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Timely Action
W. N. Miller, Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science in Dresden
Christian Science in Oklahoma
BY L. W.
Healed after Material Remedies Failed
R. H. Gresham
Total Blindness Healed
Fannie C. Brady
A Severe Burn
Kittie Johnson
Testimony of a Child
George Laura Marble
The Science of Christianity
Questions and Answers
with contributions from Investigator, J. R.
To Students
An Acknowledgment
BY C. C. M.
From the Religious Press
with contributions from Francis E. Clark