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A Distinction
There appeared in the "People's Column" of the Traveler October 7, a communication entitled, "Ruined by Christian Science," in relation to which a gentleman connected with the Christian Science movement, whom we know to be entirely reliable, presents to us the following statement: "This man was victimized by a professional swindler, who claims to be a Christian Scientist, but who is not, and never was, a member of the Mother Church. I have received letters from the writer of the communication referred to, in the last of which was contained a threat to the effect that if the church here did not pay to him the money that he had been swindled out of by the individual named, he would expose the whole matter through the newspapers. As to his alleged treatment by Christian Scientists, he gives no specifications which would enable us to determine whether he was treated by true Christian Scientists or by charlatans masquerading under some misleading analogous title."
We can say from our own knowledge that there are many who claim to be "healers" who are confused in the popular mind with Christian Scientists, but who are not of that church, and for their acts Christian Scientists should not be held responsible.
The "People's Column" of the Traveler is open to all for a fair statement of their grievances, and for the expression of their views in a proper manner upon any proper subject that may interest them, but we desire it to be distinctly understood that the Traveler assumes no responsibility for the views therein expressed. We frequently publish severe criticisms of ourselves in the "People's Column," because we intend to give all who desire to use it the utmost liberty for free discussion.
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October 26, 1899 issue
View Issue-
A Unitarian Conception of Jesus
William Everett
Among the Churches
with contributions from Minnie C. Shaeffer, E. G. P., Rosetti Kneip, S. S. L.
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Simmons
A Thought
Take Notice
Editor with contributions from Joseph Armstrong, Septimus J. Hanna, Mary Baker Eddy, Oliver C. Sabin, The First Members, William B. Johnson
An Expression of Love
Editor with contributions from John F. Linscott, Ellen B. Linscott, A. C. Peter, Eliabeth A. Peter, Thomas F. Dawson, Ella D. Dawson, Harry W. Sessford, Kate N. Foote, Edward P. Craig, Bertha Helm Sessford, E. W. Kepner, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Timely Action
W. N. Miller, Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science in Dresden
Christian Science in Oklahoma
BY L. W.
Healed after Material Remedies Failed
R. H. Gresham
Total Blindness Healed
Fannie C. Brady
A Severe Burn
Kittie Johnson
Testimony of a Child
George Laura Marble
The Science of Christianity
Questions and Answers
with contributions from Investigator, J. R.
To Students
An Acknowledgment
BY C. C. M.
From the Religious Press
with contributions from Francis E. Clark