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Questions and Answers
Do not Christian Scientists claim too much when they say the understanding of Christian Science is a help in all the affairs of life?—Investigator.
Has not God promised to be an ever-present help? and does not the Bible teach that the Christian can rely upon Him in every time of need? The Bible certainly teaches that at all times and under all circumstances, it is man's privilege to look to God for help. When Jesus said to his disciples, "Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world," he declared God's presence and power to help at all times and in all ways. Because mortal man does not know God is why he doubts God's willingness and power to help. The understanding of what God is, removes this doubt, and not only causes man to have faith in God, but also shows him why he should always rely upon God. Christian Science gives man a truer conception of God, and thereby increases faith in the present fulfilment of the many promises recorded in the Scriptures.
Persons in all the walks of life have accepted the teachings of Christian Science, and have testified to benefits received. The sick have been healed after all other means have failed; the sinner tells how his sense of pleasure in sin has been destroyed and that he now finds a hundredfold more pleasure in right doing than he ever thought he found in the ways of sin; the business man testifies to the benefit he derives from Christian Science, how it helps him to overcome worry, fear, and anxiety, and how it enables him to conduct his business in accordance with the Golden Rule; the teacher tells of the benefit of Christian Science in the schoolroom; the mechanic knows that he is helped in his work by the realization that God is with him to supply needed strength and intelligence; the mother declares that the blessings of Christian Science in the home are innumerable. Thus the testimony of persons of all classes, in all conditions, and under all circumstances, bear faithful testimony as to how Christian Science has helped them.
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October 26, 1899 issue
View Issue-
A Unitarian Conception of Jesus
William Everett
Among the Churches
with contributions from Minnie C. Shaeffer, E. G. P., Rosetti Kneip, S. S. L.
The Lectures
with contributions from Mr. Simmons
A Thought
Take Notice
Editor with contributions from Joseph Armstrong, Septimus J. Hanna, Mary Baker Eddy, Oliver C. Sabin, The First Members, William B. Johnson
An Expression of Love
Editor with contributions from John F. Linscott, Ellen B. Linscott, A. C. Peter, Eliabeth A. Peter, Thomas F. Dawson, Ella D. Dawson, Harry W. Sessford, Kate N. Foote, Edward P. Craig, Bertha Helm Sessford, E. W. Kepner, Mary Baker G. Eddy
Timely Action
W. N. Miller, Mary Baker Eddy
Christian Science in Dresden
Christian Science in Oklahoma
BY L. W.
Healed after Material Remedies Failed
R. H. Gresham
Total Blindness Healed
Fannie C. Brady
A Severe Burn
Kittie Johnson
Testimony of a Child
George Laura Marble
The Science of Christianity
Questions and Answers
with contributions from Investigator, J. R.
To Students
An Acknowledgment
BY C. C. M.
From the Religious Press
with contributions from Francis E. Clark