“My wellness paradigm shifted”

Before I became a serious student of Christian Science, I often visited a friend at the Christian Science Reading Room in my town. Every two or three months, I would stop by for a chat. 

I had attended the branch Church of Christ, Scientist, in this town with my husband 12 years earlier. I loved the people and the services, but my work in the medical field created some significant barriers to embracing the practice of Christian Science, so I left the church after three years. However, I stayed in touch with my friend, who regularly served in the Reading Room. 

On one visit about three years ago, I announced to this friend that I was having some intermittent severe pain on my left side. I shared that I’d had this type of pain before, that it would usually go away after a few days, and that I was taking some anti-inflammatory medication, which did not seem to be working. 

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Trusting God saved my life
October 7, 2024

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