Reconnecting with Christian Science

I was born into a family of Christian Scientists and went to Sunday School until I was twenty. Then I went on a long journey of exploring other spiritual practices.

I spent time as a member of two different Christian churches and was active in these congregations until I left after fifty years. The primary reason for my departure was that I could not accept what was being preached from the pulpit. 

Christian Science churches are so very fortunate to have the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as their only preachers. I have a real feel for why Mrs. Eddy designated these two books as the “dual and impersonal pastor” (Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896, p. 322) of the Church of Christ, Scientist: Sermons are not based on the perspective of an individual preacher.

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Just good deeds or genuine love?
August 26, 2024

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