Severe back pain gone

One morning, after taking my little dog for a walk, I leaned over to remove his leash and was hit with a sharp, immobilizing pain in my back. It was so severe that I said out loud, “Please help me!” In the very next instant, I answered myself and affirmed out loud, “Help is already here.” I said this because I knew that God was present and that I had this wonderful gift of Christian Science with which to meet this need.

Many times over the years, healings have come about quickly—when just one or two spiritual truths have come to thought and comforted me, bringing the answer I needed. Other times, healings have happened as described in the Bible’s book of Isaiah: “Precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little” (28:10). This case was one of the latter kind. 

The first thing I felt I needed to handle was the belief of aging. In Christian Science, Life is understood to be a synonym for God. I recognized that the Life that is God is spiritual and eternal. God isn’t getting older. This Life is eternally new and fresh. And since the Bible tells us that God created man (everyone, male and female) in His own image and likeness (see Genesis 1:26, 27), I knew that as God’s likeness, I must reflect that eternal newness and freshness. This idea immediately brought me comfort—a deep conviction that it was true.

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Testimony of Healing
Free from Covid
October 7, 2024

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