Nurturing the right thoughts

As children of God, we can own only upward-soaring, Godlike thoughts, which can lead only to peace.

According to studies in recent years, the average person has thousands of thoughts daily, and most of them are repetitive. You might think of these repetitive thoughts as visitors coming back for more attention.

It’s important to consider which thoughts we’re welcoming and nurturing and which we’re turning away. Why? Because the thoughts we entertain make a difference in our experience—and beyond. In the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, Mary Baker Eddy writes, “The act of yielding one’s thoughts to the undue contemplation of physical wants or conditions induces those very conditions” (p. 413).

A thought that is nurtured is certain to expand and grow. So we want to be sure to nurture only thoughts that will bless, help, and heal.

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Image and Inspiration
October 7, 2024

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