Healing of earache

Originally published in German

I’ve been studying Christian Science for about 25 years and have experienced many healings. At times I’ve thought, “Now I know everything and can handle everything with Science,” but I’ve come to find that there are challenges that require a deeper understanding of divine Truth before healing is realized. The study of Christian Science is in fact a lifelong unfoldment of Truth in consciousness. 

When I’ve had these kinds of challenges, I’ve often asked a Christian Science practitioner for prayer. One such occasion occurred some time ago when suddenly there was pain in my left ear. At first, I prayed by myself to overcome the pain, but I soon realized that it would be best to ask a practitioner for help. She agreed to pray for me. During the night, though, the earache became so unbearable that I decided to immediately seek medical attention.

I was away from Germany at the time, but I drove back, thinking it would be better to get medical treatment there. When I arrived at the nearest hospital, it was two o’clock in the morning and I was so tired and felt so horrible that I could hardly think. I had given the practitioner a heads-up that I would be seeking medical help, and she agreed to continue praying for me until then, completely confident that there would be healing and that no other type of treatment would be needed. This was a great comfort.

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