God's grace eliminates lump and soreness

Last spring, while I was in the shower, I touched a sore spot under my arm and found a lump. I have to admit this was the most fearful I had ever been in my life. I'd heard so much from the news media about lumps and the consequences of not having them checked. But because I had always relied on Christian Science to heal any problem in the past, there was no question in my mind that God could help me this time as well.

Right there in the shower, I gave myself Christian Science treatment. I started by knowing that God is All and is the source of my very existence. I knew that He is caring for me all the time and could never let me be fearful or confused. Very quickly after that, a couple of verses of a hymn came to me. At first I could not remember all the words, but just thought deeply about individual lines as I continued to think about my relationship to God as His child, always under His care. The parts I especially thought about were: "Grace to go forward, wherever He guide thee" and, "Healed is thy hardness, His love hath dissolved it" (Christian Science Hymnal, No. 278). I later looked up the entire hymn:

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Testimony of Healing
The end of back trouble
July 6, 1998

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