Mixed marriages and what they show

I belong to an organization of women from almost every part of the world who are married to Nigerian men. "Niger-Wives" is the name of this organization. Despite differences in appearance, these husbands and wives are very much alike.

Do successful marriages among men and women of different races and cultures illustrate anything significant? I think they do.

On one level, these marriages are evidence that people of different nations have progressed in their attitudes toward each other. They suggest that universal love is somewhat more acceptable now than it once was. These marriages also show that successful lifelong relationships are usually those in which each partner is attracted by the enduring qualities he or she shares with the other, regardless of the person's outward appearance. Science and Health observes, "Kindred tastes, motives, and aspirations are necessary to the formation of a happy and permanent companionship" (p. 60).

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Unbreakable family
March 31, 1997

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