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Diversity without fear
Diversity is a fact of life, thank goodness. No one would want to live in a world where every individual expressed herself or himself in exactly the same way as every other individual. Variety makes life interesting. It is also practical, for if everyone developed exactly the same talents and skills, many needed tasks would never get done, and much that enriches and inspires human experience would never be expressed.
People do tend, however, to feel more comfortable with the familiar than with the unfamiliar. The question is, How can you and I appreciate the diversity that exists in families, communities, and around the globe without in any way feeling threatened by the unfamiliar?
It helps to understand that diversity is grounded in the spiritual reality of man's being—in his reflection of the divine Life, which is God, good, and has no element of evil. God expresses himself in qualities and ideas that reflect His nature as Principle, Life, Truth, Soul, Mind, Love, Spirit. Since God is infinite Spirit, His qualities and ideas are infinite and can be expressed in an endless variety of ways; yet they never deviate from His pure and good nature.
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August 16, 1993 issue
View Issue-
from the Editors
The Editors
Healing racism in the world
Hannelore F. Fuchs
The all-powerful light of God
Janet Ivcich Hegarty
Jane R. Harwood
Don't jump!
Elaine R. Follis
The dance of Spirit
Désirée Goyette
The future belongs to us now
Pedro Grieco
Diversity without fear
Barbara M. Vining
The refuge we all truly seek
Russ Gerber
"All the rugged way"
Margaret Welch Dendler
with contributions from E. E. J.
A few years ago I was healed of chronic, severe headaches...
Katharina Helmick
From childhood I suffered from a debilitating illness and...
Abigail R. Trout
"... blessed is that man who seeth his brother's need and...
Betty M. Medlin
Members of our church held a picnic two years ago
Richard S. Jackson