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From Comment, a publication of the Massachusetts Bible Society, Summer 1989
"The question for me is whether we know what we are about in our synagogues and churches? I hope so. It's nothing less than opening the Book we too often take for granted and hearing again the stories of faith which set forth a vision of a new realm which calls us to walk the second mile; consider the good of others in both the public and private spheres; minister to the imprisoned; feed the hungry; take up a cross in order to follow; wash one another's feet; share the burdens; discover blessedness in seeking after righteousness and in doing justice.
"Radical? you bet. That is if we let it speak to us in all of its power."
By Dr. Donald A. Wells, executive director, Massachusetts Bible society.
Reprinted with permission.
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May 28, 1990 issue
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Perfection: a present fact, a step-by-step proof
Joan Sieber Ware
Eugene Robin
No "dangerous inheritances" from our divine Parent
Beverly Bemis Hawks DeWindt
Does it really matter that I exist?
Suzanne B. Soulé
Donald A. Wells
The ever-presence of good
Peter B. Vanderhoef
Stranger at the gate
Michael D. Rissler
Who's doing what
Elaine Natale
Starting lineup
Nancy L. Robison
"Be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by...
Jeanne Elsie Kennedy
Two years ago I got stung by some bees in a pumpkin patch
Alex Harbur with contributions from Meredith T. Harbur
For almost seventy years I have relied completely on Christian Science,...
Mildred M. Cairnes
When I was a little girl I used to ride my bicycle up to a...
Mary Michelle (Shelly) Shelton with contributions from Byron Lee Shelton