Profit from Problems

You have a personal problem? Be glad. A problem is not a disaster. It's an opportunity to learn more of Truth. You can learn valuable lessons and gain immeasurable profit from the spiritual strength that comes with finding the eternal fact that solves the problem. Thereafter you know how to use the understanding to help not only yourself but others as well.

A human problem can always be converted into a blessing, even if it may appear as a vexatious or seemingly incurable physical condition. Whatever form it takes outwardly, it is always basically mental, a suggestion put forward in thought that some kind of evil exists as well as, or instead of, good. This fact recognized stimulates us to inquire more deeply into Truth in order to deal intelligently with the arguments presented, and we can be sure that sincere searching, especially when it is supported by prayer for understanding, will always be rewarded. The solution, the specific truth that disposes of both mental problem and outward condition, is always present. Truth, being eternal, was there first, and we need never doubt that we will be able to discern it, for God is leading us to know all truth through the Christ.

The solution to every problem that can be presented to humanity is within the fact revealed through Christian Science that God, good, divine Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love, is omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient. This simple fact of God's infinitude enables us to deal with all the various propositions of error, of false, mortal belief—those claiming that some form of goodness is in short supply, that nonintelligence governs, that fear is legitimate, that there is an evil influence working to imperil man's life and health.

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April 12, 1975

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