Some years ago I was suffering from a nervous breakdown and...

Some years ago I was suffering from a nervous breakdown and various physical ills. I had arrived at this unhappy state following family tragedies that made me feel there was no control, no meaning to life. The God who is Love, whom I had been taught to believe in by attending an orthodox Sunday School seemed not at all in consonance with human existence, and I became more and more depressed and fearful. I often longed for death, but was stopped by concern for my family and my feeling that I could not abandon them.

During this time I was very impressed with the beautiful un-selfed love expressed by a casual friend toward her children. This friend recommended Christian Science Sunday School for my children, when I asked her if she knew of a Sunday School that might be more beneficial to them than the one they were attending. She also gave me a copy of the Sentinel to read, but at that time I was not interested and returned it to her unread. Although I didn't see her for the next year, her loving attitude had made a deep impression on me. My prayers began to change, and while I felt increasingly ill, my thoughts were filled less with a desire for oblivion and more with concern for the welfare of my children and husband.

On a day when it seemed that the illness would force me to return to the hospital, and I was praying desperately for help, it suddenly dawned upon me that my friend's attitudes might have something to do with her religion. I immediately called her, and she told me about Christian Science practitioners and the prayerful healing help they give. I then contacted one, and was able to see her the following day. The practitioner recommended that I go to a Christian Science Reading Room and borrow a copy of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, which I did. I also began attending services at a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, near my home.

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Testimony of Healing
I have enjoyed the benefits of Christian Science all my life
February 1, 1975

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