Remove Every Spot

On prints from a stereotype plate, ink spots or blotches sometimes appear. These are caused by high, or uneven, places on the surface of the metal plate. When the plate is placed under the blade of an electric router, the uneven spots are routed, or cut, out of the metal. A perfect print is then assured.

Christian Science teaches that in striving to realize and prove the perfection of man in God's image we are faced with the need to remove from consciousness some discord that may be manifesting itself in our experience in various ways. In Christian Science we have what we need for removing error.

The understanding of Truth and Love, which our Master, Christ Jesus, used with unerring results in his healing ministry, effaces what gives rise to evidences of sin, disease, and death. His followers have the ability to obey his command to gain and use this understanding. Where do we begin? In our own consciousness.

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Even the Last Enemy Has No Power
March 21, 1970

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