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Wonderful, divine protection has been mine from the beginning...
Wonderful, divine protection has been mine from the beginning of my study of Christian Science. In several instances my husband and I have been protected from wrong decisions in such matters as purchasing a house, making a change in business connections, right activities, and associations. The Christ, Truth, has kept us constantly aware of a joyous, quiet, abiding sense of well-being.
When I first began to study and apply Christian Science, Mind, one of the synonyms for God, meant much to me. I was in great need of peace of mind and freedom from fear. This need was abundantly met.
Through my understanding of God as Mind I was able to come safely through an inharmonious experience. One evening about closing time a man, his wife, and child came into the store of which I was manager and made quite a large purchase, offering a check in payment. It was then after closing time, and we felt he did not have sufficient identification for us to accept the check. However, we did agree to hold the merchandise until the following day. The man very much wanted one item, a coat, right then, and he mentioned the names of several prominent business people of the city we also knew. It seemed the kindly, right thing to allow them to take the coat. As I handed it to him and reached the door, he said, "You hold my check until I come for it tomorrow."
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January 27, 1968 issue
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God's Approval
"To think and act rightly"
"God's work is done"
Changing One's Environment
The Fires of Purification
Gibbs Hofmann
Angels for Allies
Staying Alive
Helen Wood Bauman
How to Choose a Mate
William Milford Correll
I first came to know of Christian Science while serving in the...
Frank David Robinson with contributions from Carolyn Virginia Wolf
Wonderful, divine protection has been mine from the beginning...
Nova Pearl Duncan with contributions from Nancy M. Courtney